Water Wellness

Oh do I love water, on so many levels, I am obsessed, and the more I learn the more I realize how crucial it is to be connecting with and absorbing the life force energy that sustains us.

Hydration~ We are 70% water by volume & 99% water molecularly, and just 5 minutes after we consume water it becomes our blood. So the ability to sufficiently hydrate ourselves is a very important to our overall heath and wellness.

Have you ever drank a lot of water yet still feel dehydrated, or have to go to the bathroom constantly? This is because at the cellular level, water is not being absorbed, which can have negative consequences. Studies have shown that by being just 2% dehydrated leads to measurable cognitive loss, and being 10% dehydrated can lead to chronic illness. Hydration is essential. It is the fountain of youth and the foundation to health. All diseases are likely to be linked, one way or another, to the water within our bodies. The majority of water we are drinking is often severely treated, void of minerals, and polluted. The human body must structure the water we take in to make it bio-available (able to be absorbed on the cellular level). Consuming stagnant water leads to stagnation of Qi (life force energy) in the body.

Spring Water~ Fresh unprocessed Spring Water is the most vibrant, vital, living, balanced, & energized water on the planet! It hydrates you optimally rather than tap or bottled water and eliminates the need for high volume liquid intake. This structured water we find in nature in streams and springs, in fruits and vegetables, and in our cells. Structured water hydrates differently because it is a different stage of water that moistens longer and conducts electrical function in the body far more efficiently. That is why you can hydrate with less liquid required from regular water. Finding a fresh water Spring to gather your water for drinking is optimal, but there are some other ways and tools to add into your daily drinking routine that you can find here.

Molecular Hydrogen~ is found in natural healing waters around the world. Our DNA is surrounded by chains of extremely highly structured water, with very strong hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen is used by health professionals as a powerful antioxidant and the #1 tool to fight inflammation. Studies show therapeutic potential in cancer, diabetes, digestive and heart issues, and essentially every organ and system in the body. Because hydrogen is the smallest molecule in existence, it can pass through the cell membrane and even the blood brain barrier to clear out inflammation and free radical damage where other antioxidants just can’t get to.

Electrolytes, minerals, structured & hydrogen water are what I believe are the key components to proper hydration and a healthy resilient body.

I have some of my favorite tools, resources & products to share with you here!